Becoming an Effective Leader

Online Course

Becoming an Effective Leader

What is the course about?

Becoming an Effective Leader
The course Becoming an Effective Leader is an online class provided by The University of Queensland through edX. The skill level of the course is Intermediate. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Develop your leadership skills as you learn the importance of self-efficacy, social capital, and leadership style.

Course description

Strong leadership is regarded as one of the best predictors of organizational success and critical human capital required for career progression in almost every organization. However, leadership is also a highly complex and often misunderstood phenomenon. It‘s hard to define, but we all know good and bad leadership when we see it. This course will equip aspiring leaders with an understanding of what leadership is and how an individual can develop the skills required to become an effective leader in their organization. Taught by instructors and presenters with decades of business and not-for-profit leadership experience, you will learn the difference between leadership and management, the importance of understanding others and building empathy and relationships, and gain a better understanding of the different leadership styles you may encounter throughout your career. Learn through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-insight activities. Our instructors and faculty will help you identify your own values and ethics as a leader, and most importantly, build your self-efficacy, your confidence and belief in your own ability to achieve intended results.

Prerequisites & Facts

Becoming an Effective Leader

Course Topic

Career Development, Personal Development

University, College, Institution

The University of Queensland

Course Skill Level


Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Becoming an Effective Leader

To obtain a verified certificate from edX / The University of Queensland you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate (99.00 USD) or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
The University of Queensland
Becoming an Effective Leader
provided by edX


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School: The University of Queensland
Topic: Business and Management, Communication, Social Sciences