CARE: Age related diseases and disorders

Online Course

CARE: Age related diseases and disorders

What is the course about?

CARE: Age related diseases and disorders
The course CARE: Age related diseases and disorders is an online class provided by KIx: Karolinska Institutet through edX. The skill level of the course is Introductory. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

This course explores a range of diseases, disorders and conditions that we may encounter as we age, and how it can look when an older adult has more than one medical condition, known as comorbidities.

Course description

This course introduces you age-related diseases and disorders that are common in older adults. These include conditions in many parts of the body, like the nervous system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and urinary system.This course takes you through interviews with clinical specialists, and lead patients to help you gain a deeper understanding of the common conditions that occur with age. In section one, this course will cover various aspects of dementias and mental health disorders. In section two, we will learn about cardiovascular diseases, stroke, respiratory diseases and diabetes. In section three, we will discover what happens when someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, as well as frailty and musculoskeletal disorders. Finally, in secton four, we will go through urological diseases and disorders, as well as cancer, and touch upon behavior change as a support tool.

Prerequisites & Facts

CARE: Age related diseases and disorders

Course Topic

Science, Teaching & Academics, Text Mining

University, College, Institution

KIx: Karolinska Institutet

Course Skill Level


Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

CARE: Age related diseases and disorders

To obtain a verified certificate from edX / KIx: Karolinska Institutet you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate (49.00 USD) or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
KIx: Karolinska Institutet
CARE: Age related diseases and disorders
provided by edX


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School: KIx: Karolinska Institutet
Topic: Health and Safety, Medicine