CBT with Older People

Online Course

Future Learn
CBT with Older People

What is the course about?

CBT with Older People
The course CBT with Older People is an online class provided by UEA (University of East Anglia) through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Understand the ageing process and the factors to consider when using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with older people.

Course description
  • Enhance your knowledge of CBT and ageing, and how to use CBT with older people
  • 3 weeks
  • This online course provides an efficient introduction to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with older people.
  • You’ll first cover the basic theory and practice of CBT, before focussing on how working with older people can be different, because of comorbidity, complexity, chronicity, and continuity and contextual factors.
  • You’ll also become knowledgeable about normal and healthy ageing – as well as late life depression and anxiety disorders – which may influence your expectations for optimal treatment outcomes when using CBT with older people.
  • Introduction to CBT, covering the fundamentals of an evidence-based approach to structured psychological therapy for depression and the anxiety disorders.
  • Introduction to Ageing. Providing a contemporary account of ageing in the UK and within a modern global approach to ageing. Completing this course students will have a greater appreciation of what is and isn’t normal ageing.
  • Introduction to age-appropriate CBT. A modern theory enhanced account of how CBT is different with Older People with a description of some new age-specific cognitive and behavioural interventions.
  • This course is designed for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, allied health professionals, nurses and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) professionals, who come into contact with older people in clinical practice.
  • UEA (University of East Anglia)
  • The University of East Anglia is an internationally renowned university providing top quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 15,000 students from over 100 countries around the globe.

Prerequisites & Facts

CBT with Older People

Course Topic

Career Development, Personal Development

University, College, Institution

UEA (University of East Anglia)

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

CBT with Older People

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / UEA (University of East Anglia) you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
UEA (University of East Anglia)
CBT with Older People
provided by Future Learn


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School: UEA (University of East Anglia)
Topic: Healthcare & Medicine