China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.

Online Course

China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.

What is the course about?

China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.
The course China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc. is an online class provided by Udemy. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.


Course description
  • China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.
  • In the recent year, the World Health Organization has announced and recommended the usage of acupuncture as a prefer choice of modality in over 47 different types of illness.
  • Zhenjiuology is the study of acupuncture and moxibustion. This program has a series of 30 chapters focusing the history, the theory, and the current practice of Zhenjiu in Mainland China. This was done with the cooperation of 14 major Traditional Chinese Medical Universities in period of over 3 years. Each section was done by the expert of that particular field. As a result this work the program has recently received the Gold Medal by WHO, WFAS, and The International Sponsored Health Program given by WHO as part of the key training tools for some aided countries.
  • In the series, Professor Peng Jingshan, Liaoning University of TCM, has developed a complete new approach of using the eye for diagnosis and treatment with considerable good result. Tianjian College of TCM under the direction of Professor Shi Xuemin also developed the Xingnao Kaiqiao method.. This method of treatment is particular useful with brain related illness. Of course, there are many other sectors in the series showing in detail the application of cosmetic surgery, weight loss , prevention of smoking, drug rehabilitation, prevention of narcotic usage, application on cardiac, gynecological, pediatric, internal diseases, ophthalmologic, and otorlaryngological area.
  • In the past, acupuncture was mainly used by the Asian community and practiced by the Traditional Chinese doctors. However, this has been changed since 1972 when the US Ex-President Nixon’s historical visit to China. As a result, the West has been showing a lot of interest and amazement. In fact, the enthusiasm of understanding acupuncture has never been slow down.
  • The opportunity of learning this natural healing of using your own immune system can easily be found in this Series. Whether you are a layman or a healer, you cannot afford to miss it. It is because this kind of coordination and work maybe difficult to repeat again. Therefore, I would like to invite all those who are interested in healthy living to watch this unique set of DVD with an open mind.
  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

Prerequisites & Facts

China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.

Course Topic

Science, Teaching & Academics, Text Mining

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.

To obtain a verified certificate from Udemy you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
China Zhenjiuology-15.E.N.T.Department and etc.
provided by Udemy


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School: Udemy
Topic: Acupuncture, Health & Fitness