Intro to the Design of Everyday Things

Online Course

Intro to the Design of Everyday Things

What is the course about?

Intro to the Design of Everyday Things
The course Intro to the Design of Everyday Things is an online class provided by Udacity. The skill level of the course is Beginner. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Everyone designs. Design occurs anytime you deliberately change an environment to make things better. When you decide what seat to take in an auditorium you’re designing your experience. When you rearrange the furniture in a room or draft an email, you’re designing.

Course description
  • Intro to the Design of Everyday Things
  • 2 weeks
  • Principles of Design
  • This course provides a summary of key concepts from the first two chapters of The Design of Everyday Things (Revised and Expanded Edition, November 2013) by Don Norman. It’s intended to be enjoyable and informative for anyone curious about design: everyday people, technical people, designers, and non-designers alike.
  • Affordances and Signifiers
  • Conceptual Models and the System Image
  • Gulfs of Evaluation and Execution
  • Design the User Interface for a Timebank
  • Discover the various affordance you must account for when designing.
  • Learn about signifiers and how to improve the utility of your designs.
  • Use conceptual models to improve your designs.
  • Learn how to design something so your users can develop their own conceptual model.
  • Discover what you are allowed to do, using the Gulf of Evaluation.
  • Get feedback on your designs with the Gulf of Execution.
  • Combine everything you have learned in this course to design the user interface for a Timebank.
  • Sketch a concept of your design.
  • Conduct user testing to improve upon your design.
  • There are no prerequisites for the course; it’s for anyone curious about basic design principles.
  • See the Technology Requirements for using Udacity.
  • This course will provide you with the knowledge needed to start recognizing the role of design in today’s world, and to start making better design decisions in your own life. In addition to learning basic design concepts such as affordances and signifiers, you will also gain practice in observing and applying design principles.

Prerequisites & Facts

Intro to the Design of Everyday Things

Course Topic

Personal Success, Teacher Training, Teaching & Academics

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level


Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Intro to the Design of Everyday Things

To obtain a verified certificate from Udacity you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Intro to the Design of Everyday Things
provided by Udacity


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School: Udacity
Topic: Computer Science, Programming