Language Assessment in the Classroom

Online Course

Future Learn
Language Assessment in the Classroom

What is the course about?

Language Assessment in the Classroom
The course Language Assessment in the Classroom is an online class provided by British Council through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Assessment is becoming increasingly important in language education. Understand it better with this course for language teachers.

Course description
  • Improve your knowledge of and skills in language assessment
  • 4 weeks
  • In the last 15 years, assessment has had an increasingly significant impact on education policy globally. Consequently, there is a growing need among teachers to understand how assessment works.
  • In this course, you will learn about the principles of sound language assessment. You will develop an understanding of the ideas in developing different types of test and how they can be applied. With guidance from experienced test developers and international assessment experts, you will explore practical ways of assessing language and skills which you can use in your classroom.
  • Principles of language assessment
    Formative and summative assessment
    Positive washback
    Assessment and testing
  • Assessing speaking
    Formats, tasks and settings
    Rating scales
  • Assessing writing
    Assessment tasks
    Marking criteria
  • Assessing reading
    Meaningfulness and authenticity
    Developing reading tests
    Scoring reading tests
  • Assessing listening
    Task types for listening assessment
    Scoring listening tests
  • Assessing grammar and vocabulary
    Principles of testing grammar and vocabulary
  • Test development
    Assessment and course planning
    Approaches to testing
    The test development cycle
    Evaluating the effectiveness of a test
  • Principles of language assessment
    Formative and summative assessment
    Positive washback
    Assessment and testing
  • Assessing speaking
    Formats, tasks and settings
    Rating scales
  • Assessing writing
    Assessment tasks
    Marking criteria
  • Assessing reading
    Meaningfulness and authenticity
    Developing reading tests
    Scoring reading tests
  • Assessing listening
    Task types for listening assessment
    Scoring listening tests
  • Assessing grammar and vocabulary
    Principles of testing grammar and vocabulary
  • Test development
    Assessment and course planning
    Approaches to testing
    The test development cycle
    Evaluating the effectiveness of a test
  • This course is aimed at language teachers in secondary or high schools around the world, and anyone interested in understanding how language assessment works.
  • You will need to have English language proficiency at a minimum CEFR B1 level to get most benefit from the course.
  • The course does not presume or require any previous knowledge of assessment issues.
  • British Council
  • The British Council is on the ground in six continents and over 100 countries connecting the best of UK culture with a global audience and providing high-quality English language courses.

Prerequisites & Facts

Language Assessment in the Classroom

Course Topic

Automation, Development, Development Tools

University, College, Institution

British Council

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Language Assessment in the Classroom

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / British Council you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
British Council
Language Assessment in the Classroom
provided by Future Learn


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School: British Council
Topic: Language Teaching, Professional Development for Teachers, Secondary Education Teaching, Teaching, Teaching English / TEFL