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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Service & Product
Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Computer Science
You are interested in learning more about Computer Science? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
Computer Science
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Computer Science Classes & Courses
Digital Transformation: Strategy
DNA Sequences: Alignments and Analysis
Building Functional Prototypes using Node.js
Einführung in MATLAB
Principles of Synthetic Biology
Designing RESTful APIs
C++ For Programmers
DevOps for Databases
Data Structures: An Active Learning Approach
Formal Software Verification
Theory of Automata | Theory of Computation & Formal Language
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Introduction to DevOps: Transforming and Improving Operations
IT Support: Troubleshooting Windows
UML Class Diagrams for Software Engineering
Data Science: Capstone
Python for Data Science
CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science
Android Developer
VR Software Development
Master Natural Language Processing
Swift for Beginners
Computer Forensics
Microsoft Professional Capstone : Cloud Administration
Music Technology Foundations
Angular Fundamentals
Demystifying Biomedical Big Data: A User’s Guide
IoT Device Configuration and Communication: C Edition
How to Make an iOS App
Enterprise Software Lifecycle Management
Introduction to Java Programming – Part 2
Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies
JavaScript Design Patterns
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
Capstone Exam in Statistics and Data Science
Managing Projects with Microsoft Project
HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices
Google Maps APIs
Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks
AWS Developer: Deploying on AWS
Programming Reactive Systems
Data Science: Linear Regression
Digital Security and Human Rights
Simulation Neuroscience
Data Visualization and D3.js
Foundations of Data Science: Computational Thinking with Python
Orchestrating Big Data with Azure Data Factory
Essentials of Genomics and Biomedical Informatics
Computer Science