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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Service & Product
Professional Training
Classes & Courses
You are interested in learning more about Development? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Development Classes & Courses
Learn Visual Studio Code (2020)
Build a Swift 2.0 app in just 1 hour for the Apple Watch
Byte-Sized-Chunks: Closures in Javascript
AWS (Amazon Web Services) Tutorials for Beginners
Cancer Genomics | Neural Networks vs k-NN Classifiers
Coding Faster – Web Development Productivity Masterclass
Jupyter Notebook for Data Science
Absolute Beginners Introduction to web development
Learn Sublime Text 3
Creating A Chip-8 Emulator In C
Security in Node.js with Express and Angular
Algorithms and Data Structures in C#: Complete Tutorial
Composer – The Ultimate Guide for PHP Dependency Management
Going beyond Dashboards with IBM Cognos Analytics
Complete Robot Framework Guide – Beginner to Expert
Build An API With The Django Rest Framework Using Python
Postman : Learn E-2-E REST API Testing | Best for Beginner
Hacking Unity and WatchKit – Make Games and Apple Watch Apps
Database design using ER modelling & Normalization technique
The Basics of Web-Design Layout
Deep Learning: Visual Exploration
Bitcoin & Blockchain essentials
Zoho Creator: Learn How to Build Applications step-by-step
Become A Game Maker With GameMaker Studio 2
Android and Firebase. Create a Live status update app.
Automation framework with Selenium Java (Advanced)
Introduction to SAP HANA, HANA Database & ADT for Beginners
Modern Multi Vendors E-Commerce Store In PHP
iOS 12, xcode 10, SWIFT 4.2 beginner to paid freelancer
Docker -> Dockerfile -> Docker Compose : For Java Developers
Ruby on Rails 6: Business Texting App with Stripe System
Informatica Tutorial: Beginner to Expert Level
Rume Academy – Introduction to Swift 2 for Beginners
Use the Standard Library
Universal JavaScript with React, Node, and Redux
The Complete CSS Basics For Beginners: Learn CSS in 1 Hour!
Building Mobile Apps Using Intel® XDK
Swift 4 and iOS 11: Building a Store Front App
ASP.NET MVC 5 Project – CMS and Shopping Cart with Paypal
LabVIEW NXG Course: Beginner to Advanced
Supercomputing: Python 3, Raspberry Pi, and mpi4py
Pass PHP Laravel Interview Questions: Get Certified
Fast Numerical Computing with Python
Coding in Unity: Mastering Procedural Mesh Generation
Testing React and Redux Applications – Unit and Integration
The Gatsby Masterclass
Salesforce Change and Release Management – A complete guide
Learn Python From Scratch 2020