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Classes & Courses
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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
You are interested in learning more about Excel? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Excel Classes & Courses
Microsoft Excel: Beginner to Advanced 2020
Microsoft Excel for Mac – From Beginner to Expert in 7 Hours
Ultimate Excel Shortcut Guide Become a Power User in Days!
2 in 1: Complete Excel + Data Analysis Application & Theory
Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners
Learn Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel Basics Fast
Excel for the Absolute Beginner
Improve your efficiency – Master the Basics of Excel 2013
Excel 2016 Foundation Training Course | Video Tutorial
The Intermediate Guide to Microsoft Excel 2013
Practical Excel 2013 Tips & Tricks
Excel 2016 Advanced for Mac- Intermediate, in-depth training
Essentials of Financial Analysis using MS Excel
Microsoft Excel for Mac – Office 365 on Mac OS
Excel 2016 – The ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS Guide
Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac – Beginner, in-depth training
Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Part 2 (Intermediate Level)
Learn Microsoft Excel Online
Excel Conditional Formatting Master Class
Learn Excel Conditional Formatting with 7 Practical Problems
Microsoft Excel 2010 Course Beginners/ Intermediate Training
Analytics with Excel – Analytical Techniques with Excel
Step-by-step Spreadsheets for Absolute Beginners
Learn the basics of Excel in less than a day. Start now!
Microsoft Excel For Complete Beginners
Microsoft Excel: Excel Conditional formatting master(Excell)
Learn Excel
Practical Excel 2010 Tips & Tricks
Excel 2013
Get Started With Microsoft Excel In 1 Hour
Excel Pivot Tables in a Nutshell
Excel 365 A to Almost Z
Microsoft Excel for Beginners
Microsoft Excel for Financial Analyst Career
Practical Excel 2013 Beginners – for the Workplace
Intermediate MS Excel – Workbook Presentation and Printing
Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions
How to use Excel for Your Home Business Administration
Microsoft Excel – from Beginner to Advanced & VBA by IITian
Excel Bear Necessities: Achieve Efficiency in Excel
Build Excel Spreadsheet for Work From Home Business Accounts
Visually Stunning Microsoft Excel Dynamic Dashboard Course
Microsoft Excel Logic Theory and If Functions (Intermediate)
Excel Shortcuts: How to work faster and easier than before!
Exploring the Analytics aspect of Excel using simple example
Excel Data Analysis: Produce Great Reports, Basic Statistics
Maximize Your Excel Productivity To Save Time
Excel’s Basics