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Classes & Courses
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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
You are interested in learning more about Humanities? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Humanities Classes & Courses
Introduction to Psychological Research Methods
Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees
Creating Better Readers through Storytime
Creative Writing: the full course
Studying Shakespeare
Introduction to Legal Concepts
Introduction to Social Psychology
Learn to Read for Beginner Readers
Human Rights Activism, Advocacy and Change
Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom for beginners
Social Media: How Media Got Social
Arab-Islamic History: From Tribes to Empires
Don’t Give Up on the Second Coming
Gothic Architecture
Book of Ezra – How To Enjoy The Prophetic Word Spoken On You
Essentials of Enlightenment-Era Architecture
The College Admissions Roadmap
Gospel of Mark: Experience God’s Life Changing Word Today!
Occultism Level 2: Science of the Paranormal
Identifying Community Needs for Public Library Management
Introduction to Art
The Art of the Middle and Late Byzantine Empire
Writing Non-Fiction: The Essential Guide
Strategic Management and International Trade Theories
Orson Welles – the best film director of the 20th century
Chemistry Through the Ages
History of Broadcast
The Acts of the Apostles
Writing for Social Justice
Mughal Architecture and Design of Ancient India
Paul and His Letter to the Romans: Part Two (Romans 6-11)
Paul and His Letter to the Colossians
High Renaissance Art in Italy
Mistakes to Avoid in LAW SCHOOL
The Etruscans in the Art History of Ancient Italy
Adventures in Expressive Artistry: An Introduction to Form
Romanticism and Realism in 19th-century Anglo-American Art
Public Speaking 101
How To Book Acting Jobs
Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice: Shylock
唐宋词鉴赏 | Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty
Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions
A Primer to Solar Power
Japanese Architecture
Effective Academic Writing: Write Papers that Get Results
Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens | 全球化下的香港电影
Western European Art After the Fall of Rome