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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Service & Product
Professional Training
Classes & Courses
You are interested in learning more about Kubernetes? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Kubernetes Classes & Courses
The Complete Kubernetes Masterclass
Istio Hands-On for Kubernetes
Master Kubernetes with Docker on Google Cloud, AWS & Azure
Test your knowledge: Kubernetes (Set of 4)
Kubernetes Design Patterns and Extensions
Kubernetes + Docker Complete Course – 2 in 1 Hands On!
Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on
Kubernetes Tutorial – Complete Guide for Beginners
Kubernetes Masterclass : Deploy Production Docker Containers
Helm – The Kubernetes Package Manager – 1 Hr Crash Course
Build and manage Kubernetes with Rancher and RKE
Lightweight Kubernetes with K3s
Hands-On Kubernetes and Docker for Distributed Applications
Kubernetes – The definitive guide
Kubernetes and Docker: The Container Masterclass
Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain
Simplify Application Development with Draft and Kubernetes
On-premise Kubernetes clusters with RKE and vSphere (ESXI)
Containerize Your Applications in the ‘Kubernetes Way’
Kubernetes (:2018) -A Comprehensive Course
Kubernetes Mastery on AWS
Kubernetes On The Cloud & The CNCF CKA Certification
Troubleshooting Kubernetes
Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes
Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment
Kubernetes for Beginners (Kubernetes + Docker + DevOps)
Hands-On Cloud-Native Development with Kubernetes
Kubernetes By Example
Design, Implement and Deploy Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch
Learn Amazon EKS: A Managed Kubernetes Service on AWS
Mastering Kubernetes – Concepts & Deployment
Learning Kubernetes
Amazon EKS Starter: Docker on AWS EKS with Kubernetes
Kubernetes and Docker MasterClass :HandsOn Kubernetes 2 in 1
Ultimate Kubernetes Fast-Track Beginner to Advanced
Kubernetes in 7 Days
Kubernetes Certification Training For Absolute Beginners
Kubernetes, for people in a hurry..
Amazon EKS Beginner : Elastic Kubernetes Service by AWS
Containers for Microservices: Kubernetes and Docker Recipes
Kubernetes Made Easy: Learn Kubernetes From Scratch
Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests
Hands-On with Kubernetes: 2-in-1
Introduction to Kubernetes – Run Docker Containers at Scale
Fundamentals of Kubernetes
Kubernetes Recipes
Hands-On Kubernetes Networking
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests