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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Programming Languages
You are interested in learning more about Programming Languages? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
Programming Languages
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Programming Languages Classes & Courses
Dart Programming Language
Elm Programming Language
Go Programming Language
Julia Programming Language
Pascal Programming Language
R Programming Language
Complete Python Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery
Linux Bash Scripting
C# training: C# tutorial for beginners with quick C# lessons
Ruby, 1st script to expert scripter; Lite Edition
Java – Virtual Classroom
Top Ruby And PHP Programming Bundle
Python Network Programming – Hands On!: 2-in-1
React Native in 7 Steps
Python GUI Programming Using PyQt5
Spring Framework Tutorial: Practical, Rapid, Intuitive
Computer Science 101: Intro to Java & Algorithms
Windows PowerShell Boot Camp
ROS Autonomous Driving and Path Planning SLAM with ROS
Pareto for Developers – How To be an Excellent Programmer
Learn Fundamentals Of JavaScript Programming
Building Data-Aware Applications in Delphi using the VCL
C# Basics For Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
Swift 2 Basics: Learn to Code the Right Way
Programming in SAS for beginners
Microservices in Scala
C++ Programming Fundamentals.
Linux Certification for Experts – Practice Test – Part 1/2
Python for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]
Web Development for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]
Java: Socket Programming Simplified
The Complete Java Course – Learn From Scratch
LabVIEW NXG Course: Beginner to Advanced
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
Learn Python and the basics of programming with Donald Trump
Programming For Non-Programmers: Fundamentals
Complete Python Programming with examples for beginners
Develop Micro-Services API via Test Driven Development
Spring Boot + Angular 7 + Docker Resumable Chunk File Upload
Design Patterns and SOLID Principles with Java
The C++ Programming Language Interview Questions and Answer
Spark Project (Prediction Online Shopper Purchase Intention)
Create Apps in MATLAB with App Designer (Codes Included)
Excel VBA Charts ( also 3 Surprise Tests for you ) Series 11
Modern React Fundamentals – Movie App – Hooks [2020]
Google DART Programming HANDS-ON with PYTHON File Handling
An Introduction to Go programming
JavaScript for beginners – learn by doing
Complete course of Java Server Pages (JSP) Programming
Python with Oracle Database
Python for Beginners: Learn Python Programming (Python 3)
Real World Ruby Programming: The Complete Guide
Python 3 in 1: Basics, Advanced and Django
Learning Ember JS
Programming Languages