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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Service & Product
Professional Training
Classes & Courses
You are interested in learning more about Robotics? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Robotics Classes & Courses
ROS Autonomous Driving and Path Planning SLAM with ROS
Master ROS with Mobile Robot Complete Rosification
Robotics Software Engineer
Build your 1st Arduino Robot: Arduino for Kids & parents
Robotics Fundamental Course
ROS with Real Robot using Raspberry-PI and OpenCV
Make an IOT robot car with Blynk app & ESP8266
Robotic Drives & Physics: Robotics, learn by building III
Introduction to Industrial Robot Principles and Applications
Autonomous Robots: Model Predictive Control
Writing Robotic Arm using Arduino (Develop Your First Robot)
Coding for kids: Scratch, Python, 3D Design, Math, Robotics
Yamaha VIP+ Training with RCX240 Robot Controllers
Arduino and Design : Make Your First Robot
Dash for Beginners
ROS Simulating SLAM and Autonomous Driving Custom Robot
Learn Arduino for Robots
Robotics Law
Autonomous Robots: Model Predictive Control
Practical Robotics with 3D printing for Begginers
A-Z Microbit: Officially accredited by Microsoft [2020]
Autonomous Robots: Path Planning
Edison for Beginners
Introduction to Robotics & Entrepreneurship
Humanoid Robotics using Raspberry Pi
Hands on Robotics with Arduino, Build 13 robot projects
ROS Ardunio Interfacing with Mobile Robots
Intro to sumo robot with Rokit Smart (Arduino, Programming)
LEGO Robotic C Programming
Autonomous Robots: Kalman Filter
Build and Program Smart LEGO Mindstorm EV3 Robot
Make a Life Scout Robot
ROS : Build Robotic Arm in Gazebo and Moveit
Industrial Robotics
Make a robot the easy way – real building and coding
ROS : Simulating Autonomous Drone with Path Planning SLAM
Practical Robotics with Control Systems and 3D printing
ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV
Robotics In-Depth Course