Are you keen to design a vehicle suspension using MATLAB? In this course, you will start at the very beginning of dynamic modelling, simulation and analysis of a technical system using different MathWorks products.
This course will introduce you to a broad range of methodologies used in the field of machine dynamics. You will learn how to model a vehicle using the fundamentals of mechanics. You will get a deep understanding of the equations of motion and how to solve them using powerful MathWorks tools. Eventually, you will gain the ability to analyze and interpret the computational results in order to optimize your design. To get the most out of your time the course is subdivided into five weeks, each consists of lectures, tutorials and exercises. During lectures, you will get all the theoretical background of machine dynamics. Tutorials will teach you the basics of MathWorks products and exercises will merge your theoretical knowledge with the practical use of the software into an exciting application. You will learn how to model a vehicle by a one and a two degree of freedom system. These systems could be base excited, force excited or not excited, they could be damped or undamped and their mathematical representation could be solved analytically, by state space representation or by solving the differential equation itself. Therefore, if you ever wondered how to design a vehicle suspension using MathWorks tools, we highly recommend you attend to this course.
Machine Dynamics with MATLAB
Course Topic
University, College, Institution
Course Language
Place of class
Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)
Machine Dynamics with MATLAB
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