Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis -- Level III

Online Course

Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III

What is the course about?

Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III
The course Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III is an online class provided by Udemy. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Steps towards becoming a professional handwriting analysis expert.

Course description
  • Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III
  • This Course will teach you the science of handwriting analysis and enable you to analyze handwriting to hire the best employees. This Course will teach you to analyze a person’s whole handwriting by identifying honest and dishonest traits in the handwriting, identify reliability and dependability indicators, and determine whether someone is going to be a valuable employee on a long-term basis. Furthermore, there are hundreds of handwriting traits taught in this Course that will make it very easy for you to analyze a person’s handwriting with successful results every time. Let’s face it, majority of people can put on a great performance during an interview, but this Course will allow you to easily pinpoint a person’s true attributes and character, which will serve as an additional source of information for you to make the best decision for your business. In addition, some times people are reliable and great employees, but do not apply to jobs that are befitting to their personality. For example, if you are shy, then applying for a job having to answer the phone and talk with people in a sales position may not be the best fit for you, but people do it every day and I have seen it so many times. These methods in this Course will enable you to accurate match the best employee to the right positions, which will streamline your organization for greater success. Level I teaches the fundamentals of handwriting analysis for hiring employees, which is the foundation for the more in-depth concepts discussed in Level II and Level III. As a whole, you will be equipped with the some of the most advanced techniques for personality and character assessment that is used to hire the best employees everyday on an international level.
  • This Course is a great training tool for people in the social science field, especially those people who are people watchers or enjoy the science of behavior and personality assessment. This Course goes in-depth on all different types of personality and character traits and provides an in-depth perspective on compatibility and why certain people are attracted to others with certain personality types and explains the reasons behind this phenomenon. Whether it is a business or personal relationship, this Course enable you to identify certain characteristics in your own handwriting and present to you handwriting traits that will be in other people’s handwriting of those you are attracted to whether it be business or personal. You will be blown away by the tremendous accuracy of how your friends, business partners or intimate partners all have extremely similar commonalities in their handwriting, which is compatible to your’s. This is not just a Course on handwriting analysis, but also about outward human behavior and how it correlates to handwriting and the life we lead with the people we choose to spend time with. Each Level in this Course builds on each other to provide you with a full perspective analysis of this dynamic phenomena.
  • Level III is the final level for this Course and will teach you the powerful method of what I call Form Level, which enables handwriting analysts to verify the conclusions that they have made based on their analysis of a handwriting sample. Form Level acts as a checks and balances system to completely allow you to verify the accuracy of your results so if you are not sure about certain aspects of your analysis that you conducted, then Form Level will verify those conclusions and provide you with further details of a person’s entire personality and character. Form Level is especially important for those in the business sector and plan to use these techniques for hiring decisions and you will have the comfort of knowing that your results are accurate and consistent every time as this Course’s main goal was to make these methods easy to learn and apply. Level III also goes into trait stroke analysis and goes over the history of how the science of handwriting analysis was first employed. It goes over every letter of the English alphabet and reveals very interesting deep-rooted personality traits that have been consistent since you were a child. The most fascinating letter that is covered is the personal pronoun ‘i” which will reveal on a very accurate level the relationship you had with your mother and father or those people who have raised you. It is a very accurate method and imagine being able to look at the way people form this letter and having the ability to reveal these deep-rooted feelings stemming from your early years as a child and into adulthood. Many times people subconsciously project these traits without even realizing it as the your parents are those who raised you and are a big part of your life whether good or bad, but nevertheless, these feeling are hidden in the personal pronoun “i”. And this Course will teach you how to accurately analyze these letters and successfully determine deep-rooted feelings and characteristics.
  • We assume you completed Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level II
  • We assume that you can download and view or print PDF documents.
  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 16 articles
  • 17 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Michael Weitzman

Prerequisites & Facts

Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III

Course Topic

Development, Game Development, Unity

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III

To obtain a verified certificate from Udemy you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis — Level III
provided by Udemy


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School: Udemy
Topic: Handwriting Analysis, Influence, Personal Development