Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution

Online Course

Future Learn
Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution

What is the course about?

Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution
The course Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution is an online class provided by UNSW Sydney through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Learn about personalised medicine and the impact that our enhanced understanding of genetics has on modern medicine and society.

Course description
  • 5 weeks
  • Personalised medicine. Precision medicine. Individualised medicine. Customised medicine. Targeted medicine. All buzzwords of recent years that excite, confuse and infuriate the public, researchers and healthcare professionals. Broadly speaking, these terms all refer to the idea of tailoring treatment to individual patients based on their genetic code. What does it all mean, and why should you care? This free online course will discuss both the hype and hope surrounding the genetic revolution and personalised medicine. The impact of personalised medicine on clinical practice will likely yield significant benefits for patients, yet it raises a number of serious ethical and legal issues for health professionals, patients and the community. Explore the power of genetics across disease prevention and diagnosis: In this unique course you will learn from leading researchers and healthcare professionals how genetic testing is currently used to guide treatment across diseases including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and mental health, and infectious disease. You will also explore the power of genetics to impact disease prevention and diagnosis, and the social, legal, political and ethical implications of this new knowledge. Examine key personalised medicine topics week by week.

    Week One: We begin by discussing what causes disease and development of personal traits – our genes or our environment? We will also explore how genes are passed from one generation to the next, basic medical genetics, and how recent technological and scientific advances have heralded the advent of the genetic revolution, and the global approach and impact of these advances.

    Week Two: We will explore the concept of risk and multifactorial disease. We will describe examples of genes that pre-dispose patients to specific diseases, and discuss genetic testing and genetic counselling.

    Week Three: We will investigate the use of personalised medicine today and tease out the reality from the hype. We will also explore the apparent delay between research findings and translation to the clinic – from bench to bedside.

    Week Four: We will describe the rationale of medical patents, clinical trials, drug approval and regulation, and how these differ in various parts of the world.

    Week Five: We will explore and debate the legal and ethical issues surrounding genetic testing and personalised medicine.

    Form your own opinion on the genetic revolution This course will distill the hype around personalised medicine, and allow you to form your own opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of the genetic revolution. Learning from a wide variety of expert clinicians and researchers currently working in the field, you will be equipped with the language and skills to debate the impact of personalised medicine on your own situation.

  • Basic medical genetics
  • The concept of Nature vs. Nurture
  • The Human Genome Project
  • The Cancer Genome Atlas
  • An introduction to genetic counselling and risk determination
  • The impact of personalised medicine on the treatment of Cancer, Neurological diseases and Infectious diseases
  • The process of medicines development in Australia
  • Social, ethical and legal issues surrounding the development of personalised medicine
  • Apply new vocabulary to discuss current aspects of personalised medicine and genetics
  • Demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge across different disciplines and to your own circumstances
  • Demonstrate greater awareness of developments in the field of genetics and personalised medicine
  • Critically analyse health issues, scepticism about media depictions of medical research and innovations
  • Anyone interested in learning about personalised medicine. No particular background in science or medicine is required. All you need is an Internet connection, and the time to read, write, discuss and debate the issues raised by personalised medicine.
    All are welcome.
  • UNSW Sydney
  • Established in 1949 with a unique focus on the scientific, technological and professional disciplines, UNSW is a leading Australian university committed to making a difference

Prerequisites & Facts

Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution

Course Topic

Marketing, Pinterest Marketing, Social Media Marketing

University, College, Institution

UNSW Sydney

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / UNSW Sydney you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
UNSW Sydney
Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: the Genetic Revolution
provided by Future Learn


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School: UNSW Sydney
Topic: Healthcare, Healthcare & Medicine, Politics & Society