Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers

Online Course

Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers

What is the course about?

Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers
The course Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers is an online class provided by Udemy. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Flowing Yoga basics and the best basic Yoga stretches.

Course description
  • Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers
  • Ocean Yoga Elements contain the most important yoga basics and stretches for water sports practicioners, with a particular focus on kitesurfing, windsurfing and stand-up paddleboarding. No matter if you are enrolled in water sports or not: Draw inspiration from Ocean Yoga Elements for your very own yoga practice!
  • Throughout the course you will learn the best yoga basics and stretches before and after water sports, as well as more than 30 yoga postures (asanas) for inner and outer strength, balance and flexibility.
  • Each sequence is tailored to specific body regions (arms, shoulders, low back, spine, upper back, legs etc.). The series contain more than 20 stretches, which will help you to specifically target tense muscles for more relaxation and ease.
  • The program is rounded up with breathing exercises, as well as various meditation and relaxation techniques. All exercises will help you achieve healthy movement and breathing patterns, while improving your body-mind connection at the same time.
  • Put together your very own, individual yoga sequences by taking advantage of the additional warm-up and cool down programs.
  • You need a yoga mat or any other stable and slip-proof mat that is neither too thick nor too soft.
  • Keep a yoga block close at hand, if available. Otherwise a thick book or any other object having a similar format will serve well for practice, too.
  • Make sure you have a blanket or cushion next to you.
  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion
  • petra leemhuis

Prerequisites & Facts

Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers

Course Topic

Personal Development, Productivity, Writing

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers

To obtain a verified certificate from Udemy you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Ocean Yoga Elements:Yoga for Sports, Wind &Ocean Lovers
provided by Udemy


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School: Udemy
Topic: Health & Fitness, Yoga