Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

Online Course

Future Learn
Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

What is the course about?

Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies
The course Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies is an online class provided by University of Twente through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Learn about the impact of technology on society. Explore the philosophy of technology and mediation theory, focused on design.

Course description
  • Understanding and designing the relations between technology and society
  • 3 weeks
  • In every aspect of our lives we make use of all kinds of technologies. Technologies can anticipate needs or solve problems, and they can extend or enhance human capacities and activities. Technologies have made life easier, but also complicated our world. In this course you will get acquainted with some key approaches in philosophy of technology and design. The course focuses on the relations between humans and technologies. You will learn how philosophy can help us understand the social implications of technologies. And you will find out how to apply these insights in the practice of design.
  • Introduction into some classical thinkers in philosophy of technology.
  • Reflecting on the power of technology and if humans are still in control.
  • Learning about the philosophical approach of technological mediation.
  • Applying the ethical dimension of technology to the design process.
  • Evaluate some classical thinkers in philosophy of technology.
  • Reflect on the power of technology: are humans still in control?
  • Explore the contemporary philosophical approach of technological mediation.
  • Engage in case studies to get insights in the impact of technology on society and human life.
  • Debate the ethical dimension of technology and apply this to design.
  • Discuss the ethical limits of designing technologies that influence our behaviour.
  • This course has been created for anyone interested in the relations between technology and society, and in particular for people working or studying in philosophy, engineering, design, social science and policy. The course might be specifically relevant to those interested in what philosophical analysis can contribute to the practice of design, engineering, and policy-making.
  • University of Twente
  • As a young and entrepreneurial university in the Netherlands, the University of Twente prepares young people to tackle the grand challenges the world will be facing during the coming decades.

Prerequisites & Facts

Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

Course Topic

Career Development, Personal Development

University, College, Institution

University of Twente

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / University of Twente you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
University of Twente
Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies
provided by Future Learn


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School: University of Twente
Topic: IT & Computer Science, Politics & Society