Rapid Prototyping

Online Course

Rapid Prototyping

What is the course about?

Rapid Prototyping
The course Rapid Prototyping is an online class provided by Udacity. The skill level of the course is Intermediate. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Prototyping allows you to spend ten minutes — instead of ten hours — finding an amazing design for your product. This course will guide you through the iterative process of prototyping an app and conducting user research. You will start by making a low fidelity paper prototype, conducting research with users, and using that research to inform your next iteration. Together with InVision we’ll guide you through creating interactive prototypes. This means you don’t have to code an app before putting it in front of users! Along the way, you’ll learn how and where prototyping fits into your app design process and how you can use prototyping to become a better entrepreneur.

Course description
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • 3 weeks
  • Building Apps for Web and Mobile
  • Low-Fidelity Prototypes & User Research
  • Medium-Fidelity Prototypes with inVision
  • Lifelong Prototyping
  • Learn the fundamentals of prototyping.
  • How to make paper prototypes and present them to users.
  • Learn how to incorporate feedback.
  • Make interactive prototypes using InVision.
  • How to conduct further user research remotely.
  • Learn how to refine your prototypes further.
  • How to involve prototyping and user research in new app features.
  • How to present your prototypes and research.
  • This course has no formal prerequisites, but you will get a lot more out of the instruction and exercises if you’ve got a product idea. If you’ve completed our Product Design course, you can leverage your app mockups from that course to get a headstart in this one!
  • See the Technology Requirements for using Udacity.
  • Prototyping is an art that exists to save you time and money in the app development process. It allows you to identify design flaws quickly so you waste as little time as possible building a phenomenal app. By learning this art, you’ll create quality apps faster and have confidence in the viability of your products.
  • By the end of the course, you’ll be comfortable with the prototyping process, be able to get quality user feedback, and use the feedback to create great apps.

Prerequisites & Facts

Rapid Prototyping

Course Topic

Career Development, Personal Development

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level


Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Rapid Prototyping

To obtain a verified certificate from Udacity you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Rapid Prototyping
provided by Udacity


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School: Udacity
Topic: Computer Science, Programming