React Curriculum

Online Course

React Curriculum

What is the course about?

React Curriculum
The course React Curriculum is an online class provided by Udacity. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

React is completely transforming Front-End Development. Master this powerful UI library from Facebook with Udacity.

Course description
  • React Curriculum
  • 4 Months (10 hrs/week)
  • In this Nanodegree program, you’ll learn how to build declarative user interfaces for the web with React, and for iOS and Android with React Native. You’ll also learn how to manage state more predictably in your applications with Redux.
  • In this Nanodegree program, you’ll learn how to build declarative user interfaces for the web with React, and for iOS and Android with React Native. You’ll also learn how to manage state more predictably in your applications with Redux.
  • Experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required for the React Nanodegree program. You should also be comfortable using the command line, Git, and NPM.See detailed requirements.
  • By learning React’s component model, you’ll be able to write declarative, composable user interfaces to build production-ready apps.
  • When your app’s state becomes difficult to maintain, it’s time to add Redux! By learning Redux, you’ll manage complicated state to build enterprise-level apps.
  • You already use React to build your web apps. Now, using React Native, you’ll be able to develop React applications that run on both iOS and Android devices.
  • To brush up on your JavaScript or command line skills, check out Intro to JavaScript, and the Shell Workshop.
  • To brush up on your JavaScript or command line skills, check out Intro to JavaScript, and the Shell Workshop.
  • The average salary for React Developers in the U.S. is 120k
  • React Fundamentals
  • By learning React’s component model, you’ll be able to write declarative, composable user interfaces to build production-ready apps.
  • MyReads
  • React & Redux
  • When your app’s state becomes difficult to maintain, it’s time to add Redux! By learning Redux, you’ll manage complicated state to build enterprise-level apps.
  • Would You Rather
  • React Native
  • You already use React to build your web apps. Now, using React Native, you’ll be able to develop React applications that run on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Mobile Flashcards
  • Experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required for the React Nanodegree program. You should also be comfortable using the command line, Git, and NPM.
  • Learning React through this Nanodegree program can significantly improve your skills and career prospects as a front-end developer, and Udacity believes it’s one of the best career moves you can make right now. Udacity has partnered with React expert Tyler McGinnis to bring you this world-class learning experience—quality React instruction with a leading expert in the field, detailed code reviews, and support throughout the Nanodegree program.
  • In our React Nanodegree program, you will:
  • Graduates of this Nanodegree program will be valuable additions to any team working in the domain of web development, app development, software development, digital marketing, and e-commerce. Opportunities exist in companies ranging from Fortune 500 organizations to startups.
  • Specific roles include: Front-End Web Developers, Full Stack Web Developers, and UI/UX Developers. For salary information, please visit the salary module on the React Nanodegree Program home page. You can also find industry insights on React in the Stack Overflow 2017 Developer Survey Results.
  • We designed our React Nanodegree program with one priority—your success as a developer. Whether you’re pursuing a new role, advancing further in your existing career, or refreshing your skills and staying up to date with the latest technologies, this program is built to ensure you achieve your goals. The addition of React skills to your developer toolkit is an excellent move for any developer seeking a critical career advantage.

Prerequisites & Facts

React Curriculum

Course Topic

Career Development, Personal Development

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

React Curriculum

To obtain a verified certificate from Udacity you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate (399 USD) or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
React Curriculum
provided by Udacity


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School: Udacity
Topic: Computer Science, React