Self-Driving Car Engineer

Online Course

Self-Driving Car Engineer

What is the course about?

Self-Driving Car Engineer
The course Self-Driving Car Engineer is an online class provided by Udacity. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Self-driving cars are transformational technology, on the cutting-edge of robotics, machine learning, and engineering. Learn the skills and techniques used by self-driving car teams at the most advanced technology companies in the world.

Course description
  • Self-Driving Car Engineer
  • 6 months (15 hrs/week)
  • You’ll first apply computer vision and deep learning to automotive problems, including detecting lane lines, predicting steering angles, and more. Next, you’ll learn sensor fusion, which you’ll use to filter data from an array of sensors in order to perceive the environment. Then, you’ll work with a team to program Carla, Udacity’s real self-driving car.
  • Apply computer vision, deep learning, and sensor fusion to automotive problems. Then work with a team on Carla, Udacity’s own Self-Driving Car.
  • Students should have experience with Python, C++, Linear Algebra, and Calculus. See detailed requirements.
  • Learn about how self-driving cars work and about the services available to you as part of the Nanodegree program.
  • Use a combination of cameras and software to find lane lines on difficult roads and to track vehicles.
  • Deep learning has become the most important frontier in both machine learning and autonomous vehicle development. Experts from NVIDIA will teach you to build deep neural networks and train them with data from the real world and from the Udacity simulator. You’ll train convolutional neural networks to classify traffic signs, and then train a neural network to drive a vehicle in the simulator!
  • Tracking objects over time is a major challenge for understanding the environment surrounding a vehicle. Sensor fusion engineers from Mercedes-Benz will show you how to program fundamental mathematical tools called Kalman filters. These filters predict and determine with certainty the location of other vehicles on the road. You’ll even learn to do this with difficult-to-follow objects by using an extended Kalman filter, an advanced technique.
  • Localization is how we determine where our vehicle is in the world. GPS is only accurate to within a few meters. We need single-digit centimeter-level accuracy! To achieve this, Mercedes-Benz engineers will demonstrate the principles of Markov localization to program a particle filter, which uses data and a map to determine the precise location of a vehicle.
  • The Mercedes-Benz team will take you through the three stages of planning. First, you’ll apply model-driven and data-driven approaches to predict how other vehicles on the road will behave. Then you’ll construct a finite state machine to decide which of several maneuvers your own vehicle should undertake. Finally, you’ll generate a safe and comfortable trajectory to execute that maneuver.
  • Ultimately, a self-driving car is still a car, and we need to send steering, acceleration, and brake commands to move the car through the world. Uber ATG will walk you through building a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to actuate the vehicle.
  • This is the capstone of the entire Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program! We’ll introduce Carla, the Udacity self-driving car, and the Robot Operating System that controls her. You’ll work with a team of Nanodegree students to combine what you’ve learned over the course of the entire Nanodegree Program to drive Carla, a real self-driving car, around the Udacity test track!
  • We recommend the Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree program.
  • Introduction
  • Learn about how self-driving cars work and about the services available to you as part of the Nanodegree program.
  • Computer Vision
  • Use a combination of cameras and software to find lane lines on difficult roads and to track vehicles.
  • Finding Lane Lines on the Road
  • Advanced Lane Finding
  • Deep Learning
  • Deep learning has become the most important frontier in both machine learning and autonomous vehicle development. Experts from NVIDIA will teach you to build deep neural networks and train them with data from the real world and from the Udacity simulator. You’ll train convolutional neural networks to classify traffic signs, and then train a neural network to drive a vehicle in the simulator!
  • Traffic Sign Classifier
  • Behavioral Cloning
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Tracking objects over time is a major challenge for understanding the environment surrounding a vehicle. Sensor fusion engineers from Mercedes-Benz will show you how to program fundamental mathematical tools called Kalman filters. These filters predict and determine with certainty the location of other vehicles on the road. You’ll even learn to do this with difficult-to-follow objects by using an extended Kalman filter, an advanced technique.
  • Extended Kalman Filters
  • Localization
  • Localization is how we determine where our vehicle is in the world. GPS is only accurate to within a few meters. We need single-digit centimeter-level accuracy! To achieve this, Mercedes-Benz engineers will demonstrate the principles of Markov localization to program a particle filter, which uses data and a map to determine the precise location of a vehicle.
  • Kidnapped Vehicle
  • Students should have experience with Python, C++, Linear Algebra, and Calculus.
  • The Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program is one of the only programs in the world to both teach students how to become a self-driving car engineer, and support students in obtaining a job within the field of autonomous systems. The program’s nine projects equip students with invaluable skills across a wide array of critical topics, including deep learning, computer vision, sensor fusion, localization, controllers, vehicle kinematics, automotive hardware, and more. As part of their capstone project, students have the rare opportunity to run their code on an actual autonomous vehicle owned by Udacity.
  • Our wide-ranging curriculum will prepare you for a variety of roles in the autonomous vehicle industry, including: System Software Engineer, Deep Learning Engineer, Vehicle Software Engineer, Localization and Mapping Engineer and many others. If you elect to work outside of automotive engineering, your foundation in deep learning and robotics will enable you to fill any number of related roles in artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, and more.
  • This advanced Nanodegree program is ideal for anyone with a programming, technical, or quantitative background who is interested in obtaining a job within the field of autonomous systems, or refreshing or developing their skills within the realm of machine and deep learning, systems integration, sensor fusion, and many others.
  • What is the difference between the Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree program and the Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program?
  • The Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree program is an intermediate program open to anyone with an interest in autonomous systems, who has some programming experience, and/or a quantitative background. The Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program is an advanced program focusing on in-depth knowledge of autonomous systems. The program is designed for those with moderate to high programming, technical, and/or quantitative skills.

Prerequisites & Facts

Self-Driving Car Engineer

Course Topic

Digital Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Automation

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Self-Driving Car Engineer

To obtain a verified certificate from Udacity you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate (399 USD) or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Self-Driving Car Engineer
provided by Udacity


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School: Udacity
Topic: Self-Driving Car