Short Film in Language Teaching

Online Course

Future Learn
Short Film in Language Teaching

What is the course about?

Short Film in Language Teaching
The course Short Film in Language Teaching is an online class provided by The British Film Institute (BFI) through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Find out how teaching with short film can bring alive the learning of languages and introduce rich cultural content to lessons.

Course description
  • Use short film in foreign language teaching and learning
  • 3 weeks
  • Learners of a new language face exciting challenges in developing their abilities to speak, listen, read and write and in learning about other cultures. Through short film, teachers can bring new worlds into the classroom and bring language learning alive.
  • Research has shown that short film has much to offer language teachers in helping learners develop their knowledge of language and cultural awareness. This online course will share ways of teaching languages through the medium of short film that will inspire and motivate both teacher and learner, and improve attainment significantly.
  • Some key pedagogies and approaches to teaching languages using short film.
  • Working with creative technologies in language learning.
  • Assessing language learning using the different dimensions of film including sound, image and time.
  • Film language and language learning.
  • Film sound and languages, and how sound can be exploited for language learning.
  • Teaching with film music and genre.
  • Film dialogue and language learning.
  • The film image and language learning – how the varying dimensions of the film image can be used in language teaching and learning.
  • Exploring body language, facial expression and the image in film, for use in the languages classroom.
  • Film time and languages – flashbacks, backstory and the past tense. Present tense, narrating and ellipsis. Flash Forward, prediction and future tense.
  • Some key pedagogies and approaches to teaching languages using short film.
  • Working with creative technologies in language learning.
  • Assessing language learning using the different dimensions of film including sound, image and time.
  • Film language and language learning.
  • Film sound and languages, and how sound can be exploited for language learning.
  • Teaching with film music and genre.
  • Film dialogue and language learning.
  • The film image and language learning – how the varying dimensions of the film image can be used in language teaching and learning.
  • Exploring body language, facial expression and the image in film, for use in the languages classroom.
  • Film time and languages – flashbacks, backstory and the past tense. Present tense, narrating and ellipsis. Flash Forward, prediction and future tense.
  • Discuss the principles behind working with short film in language teaching
  • Ability to design effective teaching strategies for working with film in language teaching
  • Develop an understanding of what the language of film, especially short film, offers in support of language teaching
  • Explore the use of creative film technologies to support effective language teaching
  • The core target audience is language educators, in any setting, who want to develop their professional expertise in film-rich approaches to teaching. The examples of practice will be drawn from the UK, though the short films we use come from all over the world. There is an inbuilt default in the work we’re drawing on towards French and Spanish language learning, though we will take care to generalise away from specific languages wherever possible. Prospective learners need nothing more than a curiosity about film, the world, and about how people learn languages.
  • The British Film Institute (BFI)
  • The British Film Institute (BFI) was founded in 1933 and is a charity governed by a Royal Charter. It has three priorities – education, supporting the UK film industry and unlocking film heritage.
  • Into Film
  • Into Film is a UK-wide film and education charity, which puts film at the heart of children and young people’s learning, contributing to their cultural, creative and personal development.

Prerequisites & Facts

Short Film in Language Teaching

Course Topic

Personal Development, Personal Transformation

University, College, Institution

The British Film Institute (BFI)

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Short Film in Language Teaching

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / The British Film Institute (BFI) you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
The British Film Institute (BFI)
Short Film in Language Teaching
provided by Future Learn


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School: The British Film Institute (BFI)
Topic: Creative Arts & Media, Teaching