Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids

Online Course

Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids

What is the course about?

Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids
The course Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids is an online class provided by Delft University of Technology through edX. The skill level of the course is Advanced. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Learn how to integrate a photovoltaic system into a microgrid of your design.

Course description

Photovoltaic systems are often placed into a microgrid, a local electricity distribution system that is operated in a controlled way and includes both electricity users and renewable electricity generation. This course deals with DC and AC microgrids and covers a wide range of topics, from basic definitions, through modelling and control of AC and DC microgrids to the application of adaptive protection in microgrids. You will master various concepts related to microgrid technology and implementation, such as smart grid and virtual power plant, types of distribution network, markets, control strategies and components. Among the components special attention is given to operation and control of power electronics interfaces.You will be familiarized with the advantages and challenges of DC microgrids (which are still in an early stage). As a verified learner you will also have the opportunity to master the topic of microgrids through an exercise in which you will evaluate selected pilot sites where microgrids were deployed. The evaluation will take the form of a simulation assignment and include a peer review of the results.This course is part of the Solar Energy Engineering MicroMasters program designed to cover all physics and engineering aspects of photovoltaics: photovoltaic energy conversion, technologies and systems.LICENSEThe course materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International License.

Prerequisites & Facts

Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids

Course Topic

Career Development, Personal Development

University, College, Institution

Delft University of Technology

Course Skill Level


Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids

To obtain a verified certificate from edX / Delft University of Technology you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate (250.00 USD) or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Delft University of Technology
Solar Energy: Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids
provided by edX


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School: Delft University of Technology
Topic: Electronics, Engineering, Physics