Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK

Online Course

Future Learn
Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK

What is the course about?

Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK
The course Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK is an online class provided by British Council through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Be prepared for university study in the UK by familiarising yourself with UK culture and higher education.

Course description
  • Understand how to make the most of life and university study in the UK.
  • 4 weeks
  • The prestige of a UK university education attracts students from all over the world. However, research shows that transition to UK study is not always easy. Many feel challenged by an unfamiliar educational system, cultural differences, and working in a different language.
  • This course will give you all the help you need to study and thrive in the UK. You’ll become familiar with studying in English and how higher education courses are structured, gaining a clear understanding of what to expect. You’ll also develop self-study skills, whilst getting a taste of life in the UK.
  • Characteristic features of higher education in the UK: active engagement, critical thinking, evidence-based argument, independent study, academic integrity
  • Study modes: lectures, seminars, tutorials, student presentations, group assignments, their roles and functions
  • The language skills you need to achieve success (academic writing, reading, listening and note-taking, speaking)
  • Understanding assessment in higher education
  • Support services available to students; library, English language support, counselling etc.
  • Practical issues round living as a student in the UK: accommodation, making friends, what to bring, things you need to do on arrival
  • Demonstrate an understanding of UK academic culture and the engagement expected of you
  • Explore the way teaching and learning is organised in UK higher education and its key terminology
  • Reflect on the language knowledge and academic skills you need to achieve success
  • Assess the resources that are available to you to support your learning
  • Reflect on the positive contribution you will make to UK academic life through the diversity of perspectives you bring
  • Develop the confidence you need to feel prepared for study in the UK
  • This course would be of immense benefit to international students who have been accepted to study at a UK university.
  • British Council
  • The British Council is on the ground in six continents and over 100 countries connecting the best of UK culture with a global audience and providing high-quality English language courses.
  • Study UK
  • Study UK is a global campaign that promotes the UK as the first-choice study destination to international students and their influencers. It is the UK’s only national-level campaign that showcases the UK’s outstanding higher education offering.
  • The GREAT campaign
  • We are key players in the GREAT campaign working closely with Government, DIT, FCO, DCMS and the British Council.

Prerequisites & Facts

Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK

Course Topic

Architectural Design, Design, Revit

University, College, Institution

British Council

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / British Council you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
British Council
Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK
provided by Future Learn


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School: British Council
Topic: Teaching