Explore psychological research to understand basic theories and methods of scientific psychology with a strong focus on positive psychology. 本课程以心理学的经典理论和最新实证研究为蓝本,以积极心理学的视角,概览式地介绍科学心理学的基本理论、基本方法、研究领域和研究热点
As the physical quality of life improves in our increasingly global and technologically focused world, it is particularly important to focus on psychology. In fact, psychology is one of the most popular subjects studied in universities by students across the globe, and there is an increasing interest in studying this fascinating – and constantly changing – field. This course will cover a wide range of topics from the field of psychology to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Course lessons will focus on consciousness, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotion, evolution, motivation, personality, social psychology, and happiness. In every lesson, we use empirical studies of psychology and classical theoretical perspectives as examples, concluding the course with the relatively new perspective of positive psychology. In this course, you will gain an understanding of psychological modes of thought and master the basic methods of psychological research, while freeing yourself of psychological misconceptions and misunderstandings. 在人们物质生活飞速发展的今天,关注心理学显得尤为重要。在美国大学,心理学是学生人数最多且最受欢迎的学科之一。本课程分为13章,分别阐述绪论、意识、感觉、知觉、学习、记忆、思维、情感、进化、动机、人格、社会以及幸福问题。在每一章中,都会以心理学的实证研究作为例证,以经典理论观点作为主导,以积极正面的心理学研究为方向,让学生掌握心理学的基本内容和前沿动态,了解心理学的思考方式,去除对心理学的疑惑与误解,掌握基本的心理学研究方法。
心理学概论 | Introduction to Psychology
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心理学概论 | Introduction to Psychology
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