Functional Programming in Erlang

Online Course

Future Learn
Functional Programming in Erlang

What is the course about?

Functional Programming in Erlang
The course Functional Programming in Erlang is an online class provided by The University of Kent through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Learn the theory and practice of functional programming in Erlang, through practical exercises and suggested projects.

Course description
  • 4 weeks
  • Functional programming is increasingly important in providing global-scale applications on the internet.
  • We combine the theory of functional programming and the practice of how that works in Erlang. The course will also help you if you are interested in Elixir, based on the same virtual machine as Erlang, and will help you get going with any functional language.
  • Functional programming has been a strength at the University of Kent for the last 30 years. You’ll learn with Simon Thompson – co-author of one of the standard introductions to Erlang, O’Reilly Media’s Erlang Programming.
  • Getting started programming in Erlang
  • Programs and functions in Erlang
  • Data structures using lists
  • Tools for Erlang programming
  • Functions as data, and higher-order functions
  • Case studies
  • Explain why Erlang was developed, how its design was shaped by the context in which it was used, and how Erlang can be used in practice today
  • Reflect on the design of Erlang, in the context of the rationale for its development, and how it is used in practice today
  • Produce programs using the concepts of functional programming, including, in particular, recursion, pattern matching and immutable data
  • Apply knowledge of lists and other Erlang data types in programs
  • Develop higher-order functions using generic patterns
  • This course is designed for anyone with prior programming experience, who wants to learn more about functional programming and Erlang.
  • You could be a developer or computing professional seeking to understand and gain experience with this technology; a computer science undergraduate studying functional programming as part of your degree; or a self-taught programmer looking to take your knowledge to the next level.
  • The University of Kent
  • The University of Kent, the UK’s European University, is one of the country’s most dynamic universities. Established in 1965, it now has 19,850 students studying at its various campuses.

Prerequisites & Facts

Functional Programming in Erlang

Course Topic

Business, Real Estate, Real Estate Leads

University, College, Institution

The University of Kent

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Functional Programming in Erlang

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / The University of Kent you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
The University of Kent
Functional Programming in Erlang
provided by Future Learn


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School: The University of Kent
Topic: Coding & Programming, IT & Computer Science