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Classes & Courses
Service & Product
Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Social Sciences
You are interested in learning more about Social Sciences? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
Social Sciences
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Social Sciences Classes & Courses
Introduction to the Music Business
Reinvent yourself: Unleash your creativity
PredictionX: Diviner’s Guide
Doing Gender and Why it Matters
The Next Generation of Infrastructure
Contemporary Japanese Society: What Has Been Happening Behind Demographic Change?
Sustainable Food Security: Food Access
The Supreme Court & American Politics
Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative
Co-Creating Sustainable Cities
Social Work: Research
Transforming Development: The Science and Practice of Resilience Thinking
AP® Psychology – Course 3: How the Mind Works
Human Rights Theory and Philosophy
Exploring Humans’ Space: An Introduction to Geographicity
Culture of Services: Paradox of Customer Relations
Leading High-Performing Teams
Religion, Conflict and Peace
Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change
Becoming an Effective Leader
Human Rights and Development
Product Design: The Delft Design Approach
AP® Psychology – Course 4: How Behavior Works
u.lab: Leading Change in Times of Disruption
Energy Principles and Renewable Energy
Comparative Political Systems
The Science of Happiness
Language Revival: Securing the Future of Endangered Languages
AP® Psychology – Course 6: Exam Preparation & Review
Statistics for Business – I
Anthropology of Current World Issues
Policy Analysis Using Interrupted Time Series
Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families, and Small Groups
Adaptive Leadership in Development
Sustainable Food Systems: A Mediterranean Perspective
Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 2
Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work
Introduction to Sociology
American Government: Constitutional Foundations
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
International Business Environment and Global Strategy
Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 1
Sustainable Tourism: Rethinking the future
Foundations of Teaching Science and Engineering
Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries
Cooperatives and Producer Companies
Democracy and Autocracy: Theories and Empirical Findings
Understanding Political Concepts
Social Sciences