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Classes & Courses
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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Social Sciences
You are interested in learning more about Social Sciences? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
Social Sciences
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Social Sciences Classes & Courses
Doing Gender and Why it Matters
Enabling Entrepreneurs to Shape a Better World
Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Democracy and Autocracy: Theories and Empirical Findings
Comparative Research Designs and Methods
Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries
Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries
Through My Eyes – Intellectual Disability Healthcare around the World
AP® Psychology – Course 4: How Behavior Works
U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy
Becoming an Effective Leader
Strategic Planning for Public Libraries
Solving Public Policy Problems: UC Berkeley’s Eightfold Path
Well and Able – Improving the Physical Health of People with Intellectual Disability
Age of Sustainable Development
Leading in a Complex Environment
Unlocking Investment and Finance in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs)
Language Revival: Securing the Future of Endangered Languages
Leaders of Learning
Women Making History: Ten Objects, Many Stories
Human Rights Defenders
Climate Science and Policy
AP® Psychology – Course 3: How the Mind Works
Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs
Critical Development Perspectives
Leaders in Global Development
Global Politics
Visualizing Postwar Tokyo, Part 1
The Science of Everyday Thinking
Contemporary China: The People’s Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at Work
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Strategic Approach
Modern China’s Foundations: The Manchus and the Qing
Sustainable Urban Development
Applying Health Coaching in Patient Care
Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home
Sustainable Food Security: Food Access
Human Rights and Development
The Psychology of Criminal Justice
U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies
Advanced Literature Searching in the Health Sciences
Transforming Development: The Science and Practice of Resilience Thinking
Healthy Ageing in 6 Steps. Let your environment do the work.
Product Design: The Delft Design Approach
Creating an Effective Child Welfare System
Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees
Diversity and Social Justice in Social Work
Social Sciences