Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today

Online Course

Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today

What is the course about?

Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today
The course Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today is an online class provided by Udemy. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Learn the subtle art of using visualization to turn dreams into realities.

Course description
  • Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today
  • Understand what visualization is (which is NOT vision boards and MAKING stuff happen using your imagination) and how to most effectively use this powerful tool to improve your personal and professional results.
  • Increase your concentration, focus, motivation, and inspiration on turning thoughts to things using visualization.
  • Develop powerful habits of thinking and feeling using a new, contemporary understanding of visualization which increases the individual’s realization of new, improved results.
  • Take the vision, if you have one, of what you want to happen in life out of your head and into something you can taste, touch, see, hear and smell.
  • A postive attitude and open mind are a must. We’re on the leading edge of thought with this material so those who want to be ahead of the curve are encouraged to play.
  • This course has an incredible amount of rich content and written material. It’s ideal for students who love reading and who are independently motivated to achieve. Students who enroll are expected to do the required work.
  • This is about understanding who you really are, a vibrational being having a physical experience. It’s spiritual in tone and approach, more than anything else.
  • You won’t find scientific proof, that thought become things, in this course. This class is not about convincing you this approach is valid. It’s about deepening and enriching the understanding of those who already understand that everything in the universe begins as vibration.
  • This course goes way beyond conventional ideas about visualization such as vision boards, making your goals happen using mind movies, or forcing yourself see things in your mind so you can make them happen in reality. Instead, we dive deep into the more transmutable ideas of frequency, vibration, vibrational alignment as creative assistants.
  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • 42 mins on-demand audio
  • 2 articles
  • 23 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Allison Sutter

Prerequisites & Facts

Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today

Course Topic

Architectural Design, Design, Revit

University, College, Institution


Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today

To obtain a verified certificate from Udemy you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today
provided by Udemy


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School: Udemy
Topic: Personal Development, Personal Success, Personal Transformation