Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present

Online Course

Future Learn
Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present

What is the course about?

Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present
The course Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present is an online class provided by Yad Vashem through Future Learn. It may be possible to receive a verified certification or use the course to prepare for a degree.

Join 50 leading scholars in exploring antisemitism, from its roots to its contemporary forms.

Course description
  • Trace the history of antisemitism – from antiquity to the present
  • 6 weeks
  • In this course, 50 leading scholars from all over the world will explore questions and issues relating to antisemitism including:
    what is antisemitism? How has it changed throughout history? Why can it be found among so many diverse cultures, and even among opposing ideologies? What happened to antisemitism after the Holocaust? How is antisemitism expressed today, and what are the main spheres in which it can be found?
  • We will examine different periods and societies, exploring the development of antisemitism as well as its changing nature over time, place and culture.
  • The nature of hate
  • The perception of the “other” in the Greco-Roman world
  • The advent of Christianity and its effect on the history of antisemitism
  • The Middle Ages and anti-Jewish discourse, libels and violence
  • The ideologies and revolutions of the Modern Period and their impact on the development of antisemitism
  • Nazi ideology and the Holocaust
  • Antisemitism in the Far-right and Far-left
  • Holocaust Denial
  • Anti-Zionism and antisemitism
  • The case of the Islamic and Arab world
  • Online hate
  • Discuss what antisemitism is and what is unique about it
  • Identify antisemitic language and actions in the past and in the present
  • Explain the historical and ideological roots of antisemitism and how it has developed
  • Identify different types of antisemitism presented in the course and explain the differences, commonalities and dynamics between them
  • Discuss the characteristics of antisemitism today
  • Distinguish between antisemitism and legitimate criticism of the State of Israel
  • This course, designed by Yad Vashem – The World Holocaust Remembrance Center, is for anyone with an interest in history, in social dynamics and human nature, and in the phenomenon of antisemitism.
  • Yad Vashem
  • As the Jewish people’s living memorial to the Holocaust, Yad Vashem safeguards the memory of the past and imparts its meaning for future generations.

Prerequisites & Facts

Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present

Course Topic

Law, Teaching & Academics, Test Prep

University, College, Institution

Yad Vashem

Course Skill Level

Course Language


Place of class

Online, self-paced (see curriculum for more information)



Degree & Cost

Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present

To obtain a verified certificate from Future Learn / Yad Vashem you have to finish this course or the latest version of it, if there is a new edition. The class may be free of charge, but there could be some cost to receive a verified certificate or to access the learning materials. The specifics of the course may have been changed, please consult the provider to get the latest quotes and news.
Yad Vashem
Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present
provided by Future Learn


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School: Yad Vashem
Topic: History, Military History, Politics & Society, Religion, Social Issues