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Classes & Courses
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Professional Training
Classes & Courses
Computer Science
You are interested in learning more about Computer Science? Here you can find online courses and classes to learn
Computer Science
with the help of some of the most popular schools and intructors.
Computer Science Classes & Courses
Data Science Research Methods: Python Edition
AWS Developer: Optimizing on AWS
Digital Transformation: Market and Industry Analysis
Client-Server Communication
Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone
C Programming: Using Linux Tools and Libraries
Software Engineering Essentials
Intermediate C++
CSS Basics
Digital Transformation: Business Development and Marketing
How to Build Chatbots and Make Money
Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python
Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design
Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce
Learn to Program in Java
Introduction to Bootstrap – A Tutorial
Data Visualization in Tableau
NFV Acceleration: An Introduction to OPNFV
Getting Started with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The Software Architect Code: Building the Digital World
Principles of Electric Circuits | 电路原理
IT Support: Fundamentals
Linux Command Line Basics
Deep Learning Explained
Computing in Python IV: Objects & Algorithms
Intro to Point & Click App Development
Deep Learning
Building a Cybersecurity Toolkit
IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Enterprise Systems
Enterprise Security Fundamentals
Data Analysis with Python and SQL
C Programming: Modular Programming and Memory Management
Managing Identity
Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish
Introduction to Big Data
Programming for the Web with JavaScript
A System View of Communications: From Signals to Packets (Part 3)
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science (Python) Practice/ Mock Test
Managing Projects & Portfolios with Microsoft PPM
Cybersecurity and Privacy in the IoT
ES6 – JavaScript Improved
String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms
Designing RESTful APIs
Using GPUs to Scale and Speed-up Deep Learning
Design of Computer Programs
Demystifying Biomedical Big Data: A User’s Guide
UX Designer
Theory of Automata | Theory of Computation & Formal Language
Computer Science